Frequently asked questions
We all navigate significant financial decisions throughout our lives – which home to buy and how much debt to take on, which school to enroll our children in, and ultimately how and when we will retire. In amongst these key life events, lies the fundamental relationship we have with money. Financial wellbeing is a habit formed over a lifetime, it requires a repeatable process.
A financial advisor equips you to address these big decisions, by understanding both the short and long term consequences of your choices. The relationship is enduring and based on trust. It introduces a rhythm of reviewing your affairs habitually, to ensure you are financially resilient today, whilst building a long term future for you and your family.
Investing well over a lifetime is not easy, a financial adviser will ensure that your assets are build by design, and not evolution.
No. Our clients utilise us for financial planning because they value our services. We forge long term relationships based on trust and service, not on complex contracts. Our ongoing fees are typically debited monthly in arrears, with no notice period imposed.
When managing your savings, risk is unavoidable. Whether held in a bank account or invested, risk will always be present. Many of these risks can be reduced through careful processes and due diligence, others through proper diversification. The key is to understand the risks you are accepting, and the associated benefits of doing so. We will carefully explain your choices, and how we manage the various risks associated with financial planning. See how we invest, for insight into investment risk management.
It is improbable that any one firm can build the best technology platform, and product and investment solutions, whilst retaining top quality people. Being independent means we can build our offering using the best suppliers across the financial services industry for each need area. We bring it all together for you under one financial plan, delivered by your team at Kellands.
Answer: Our initial discussions are an opportunity to understand your family’s requirements, and your current financial position. From here we can gauge priorities and demonstrate how we can help. You will be in an informed position to assess our services and the value you will gain, with initial consultations offered without charge, and fees agreed ahead of being incurred.
Life as a professional is busy. The demands of balancing work and family life have a tendency to place financial planning towards the bottom of the in tray. Whilst undeniably important, it rarely feels urgent.
Set against this backdrop is the desire to build a fulfillling life, whilst building a nest egg to support a future retirement, and help the children establish themselves as they move into adulthood.
Even the most diligent will struggle to go it alone effectively. As the years roll by, the potential for wasted opportunity is enormous. We understand your challenges, and recognise it will take tenacity to make our relationship work.
Kellands Professionals ensure that you mitigate risk and effectively capture the planning opportunities afforded by your career.